KishMan Services
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Multi-Vendor Travel Booking engine
Customizable solutions for displaying products & services & accept online bookings.
Multi-Vendor Travel Booking engine
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Total: C$
Prices are shown in Canadian dollar.


This is a product is for client who want to run an online multi-vendor travel & tourism business and accept booking online.  If you are looking for Single-vendor travel & tourism business and accept booking online then click here.

We will setup travel & tourism business portal from domain registration to setting up travel & tourism booking system for your business so you and your staff can sale travel & tourism products & services to the worldwide customers. This product comes with one time setup fee of $2500 and thereafter maintenance + support fee of $7000/year.

Who can use this product:

  • Any travel and tourism business who believes collaboration is the way to grow business.
Terms and condistions:
  • Separate agreement and contract will be required to be signed at the start of collaboration of business. 
  • Maintenance + support fee is charged at the beginning of each business year.
  • Any customization or third-party integration of product is extra and as per applicable rates depending on the work and nature of work.
  • Integration of payment system with shopping cart requires approval from payment service provider who will forward collected payment to you. If payment service provider (bankers) rejects a client, then alternate arrangement may be possible. Contact us for details.

For details please contact us at or call us at Tel: +1-289-584-9900

For the demo of this product please fill up the form here.