KishMan Services
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TVSc - CMS. Take control of your website contents
TVSc Content Management System - Take control of your website contents
TVSc - CMS. Take control of your website contents
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TVSc is a content management software for creating and managing your website content. Product is endorsed and verified by Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (Ontario Made)

This product can run on windows servers and you can customize the content as per your requirement.

  • Create pages and its content,
  • Add pictures,
  • Manage users,
  • Customizable footer menu items etc.

Price of $500.

You can use this software on your windows webserver or use use our windows hosting environment. Yearly service fee of $500 is applicable if you need our hosting environment.

For details please contact us at or call us at Tel: +1-289-584-9900

For the demo of this product please fill up the form here.