How to clean browser history and start browser with fresh start
All browsers such as MS Edge, google chrome, firefox, Navigator saves website pages and its related data on to your computer cache(temperory storage). By doing so it creates illusion of fast browsing experience for it's users however
it creates big problem to website fixes and patches to go through or those do not not get applied. Therefore, it is a good practice to regularly clean browser by following steps mentioned below applicable to your browser.
You must do this especially when all of a sudden you are experiencing errors on a website application or look and feel of website has suddenly changed and looking messed-up or ugly. This ususlly happens when
website stylesheet or scrips are changed to make it functional or more effecient and these changes do not get recognised by your browsers. By cleaning history of the browser you are forcing browser to pull new changes and contents for the website or application and stale content will be replaced by fresh content when you
clean and refresh the browser.
How to clean Ms Edge browser history.
- In MS Edge browser click on horizontal three dots shown on the top right corner and then click on history option to open the history window. Alternatively you may simalteniously press ''Ctrl'' and ''H'' keys together on you keyboard. it would open history window.
- Next click on three dots shown on the top left corner of the opened window.
- click on clear browsing data.this will open new window.
- At new window you may like to select all check boxes except cookeies and other site data.option. By unchecking this saved login info for other sites and application will be untouched.
- Now click on Clear Now button. this will start cleaning cached pages from you computer and make browser app light weight. Wait till cleaning gets over. Depending on when was it cleaned last time it will take take from few seconds to a minute time to finish the claening process.
After cleaning got over. your browser ie ready to re-cache fresh content from the application websites, and patches and fixed will be applied, and hopefully, website strats functionaing well.
How to clean Goggle chrome browser history.
- In chrome browser click on verticle three dots shown on the top right corner and then click on history option. that would opan side window there once again click on HIstory history option to open the history window. Alternatively you may simalteniously press ''Ctrl'' and ''H'' keys together on you keyboard. it would open history pop up window .
- At the new window click on clear browsing data. This will open another window.
- At new window select Advance tab and then slect all time from time range drop down menu. you may like to select all check boxes except cookeies and other site dataoption. By unchecking this, saved login info for other sites and application will be untouched.
- Now click on Clear data button. this will start cleaning cached pages from you computer and make browser app light weight. Wait till cleaning gets over. Depending on when was it cleaned last time it will take take from few seconds to a minute time to finish the claening process.
After cleaning got over. your browser ie ready to re-cache fresh content from the application websites,and patches and fixes will be applied, and hopefully, website strats functionaing well.
How to clean FireFox browser history.
- In FireFox browser click on horizontal three bars shown on the top right corner and then click on history option to open the history window. Alternatively you may simalteniously press ''Ctrl'' and ''H'' keys together on you keyboard. it would open history pop up window .
- At the new window click on clear recent history. This will open another window.
- At new window selectslect everyting from time range drop down menu. you may like to select all check boxes except cookeies option. By unchecking this, saved login info for other sites and application will be untouched.
- Now click on OK button. this will start cleaning cached pages from you computer and make browser app light weight. Wait till cleaning gets over. Depending on when was it cleaned last time it will take take from few seconds to a minute time to finish the claening process.
After cleaning got over. your browser ie ready to re-cache fresh content from the application websites,and patches and fixes will be applied, and hopefully, website strats functionaing well.